WebCenter PS3 Launch Demo Preview

If you have visited oracle.com lately, you may have noticed the banner ad about our web cast, officially launching WebCenter 11g Patch Set 3. To whet your appetite, here is a screen shot of the portal we built for the launch. The demo walks you through some of the key aspects of this portal, including personalization, analytics, social services, content integration, business user editing experience, as well as the developer’s view.

If you want to find out how you can get a hold of this sample, tune in on Wednesday, February 2nd, at 10:00am pst.

New Sample for Download: Polling

Martin Deh from the Oracle Fusion Middleware “A-Team” published ( OTN account needed) a very compelling Polling sample.

The sample contains two task flows: a “client” (poll taker) and an “admin” console.  Currently the task flows implement the following features:

  1. Ability to define and modify Poll Questions and Poll Choices
  2. Ability to provide a fixed number of responses (no less than 1 and no more than 10)
  3. Ability to select multiple responses or single response behavior
  4. Poll can only be taken by each user one time (multiple submissions is not in scope)
  5. Ability to select time range for when the poll would be active
  6. Ability for the administrator to decide to display a chart of results after user submits poll
  7. Ability for admin to choose Pie Chart or Bar Chart

The above sample provides a great starting point to implement custom polling functionality.

Note: Including polling functionality in future releases of Oracle WebCenter is on the road map.

Poll Question

Poll Question

Polling Results

Polling Results

Poll Administration

WebCenter Avitek Sample Portal

The Avitek Sample Portal is a custom portal built using Oracle WebCenter 11g Release 1 and WebCenter Web 2.0 Services. In addition to the source of the sample, it also comes with a Developer’s Guide.
Avitek is intended for customers and partners who want to start building custom WebCenter portals quickly. If you have JDeveloper and the WebCenter 11g extension, you’ll have Avitek running in less than 10 minutes. If you’re starting from scratch, you’ll have it running in less than an hour.
Avitek focuses primarily on site management, content driven templates, and customizable pages. It leverages WebCenter Services for page creation, page customization, and content integration. It showcases different approaches to building site navigation and publishing content.

Important Note: If you are using WebCenter 11gR1 Patch Set 1, due to a bug (to be fixed in the next release) you have to do the following work-around:

1. Shutdown JDeveloper
2. Copy Avitek/SiteModel/deploy/avitek-site-model.jar to
$ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/lib/patches directory
3. Restart JDeveloper

Wiki, Blog, and Discussion Sample Portlets for WebCenter Interaction (ALUI, Plumtree)

Earlier this month we released the version of the wiki, blog, and discussion forum services, posted here. We just published a new set of sample portlets built and tested against WebCenter Interaction: wiki and blog portlets | discussion portlet.

You can find more information about this release and the samples on OTN.

Packed WebCenter Hands-On Session

Quick update: the first WebCenter Hands-On session that I mentioned earlier this week was full today. We have 2 more sessions on Tuesday, if you missed it on Sunday.

Tuesday, September 23, 11:30am-12:30pm, Marriott, Golden Gate C1
Tuesday, September 23, 5:30pm-6:30pm, Marriott, Golden Gate C1

Hope to see you there!